The Mapineq project from which the Mapineq Link database was born has the goal of mapping inequalities through the life course. Within this project we look at educational, socioeconomic, demographic and health inequalities and the interdependence between them across cohorts and the life course.
A full list of the Mapineq project publications can be found here. Click on the five inter-related reports below to read more. These reports describe the early development and ideas of the Mapineq Link database in addition. As our database and users grow, we encourage you to cite the database (see How to Cite Us) and we will highlight and amplify your research here!

Below is a selection of recent Mapineq publications. More coming soon!
Poor air quality at school and educational inequality by family socioeconomic status in Italy, By Fabrizio Bernardi and Risto Conte Keivabu.
Strengthening the labour force participation of low-qualified individuals in Europe, by Jan Paul Heisig, Carla Hornberg and Heike Solga.
The importance of family-based sampling for biobanks, By Neil M. Davies, Gibran Hemani, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Hilary C. Martin, Melinda C. Mills, Peter M. Visscher, Loïc Yengo, Alexander Strudwick Young & Matthew C. Keller.