Frequently asked questions

What is Mapineq?

Mapineq provides a unique platform for exploring data on regional inequality. For more information visit our about us page.

Can I use the data on this site for my own research?

Yes, please. We've created the Mapineq platform to make it easier for researchers to form hypotheses, notice gaps in existing public datasets and to quickly link data together in new ways. If you use our data, we do kindly ask you to cite us in any resulting papers.

How can I contribute with new data or research?

We are very open to collaborations. Depending on the type of data and or research you would like to contribute we will explore the best way to work together. Please reach out to us with a brief description of the research and/or data you would like to publish using the Mapineq platform and we will get in touch.

How can I contact you?

To get in touch, please visit our contact page.